Vi hjälper dig med din strategi, design, film & foto, event och digitala upplevelser.

- tänk på oss som dina nya kollegor

Oavsett om du kommer till oss med ett blankt papper eller en väletablerad varumärkesplattform, ser vi till att du känner dig hemma och trygg med oss.

Strategi & support

Vi har sett din vardag från insidan;

stora investeringar i varumärke och strategi. Och sedan? Ska man behålla dyra kreatörer i Stockholm eller London, utbilda alla anställda till varumärkesexperter, eller nöja sig med sämre kvalitet för att hålla budgeten?

Det finns en annan metod; tänk på oss som dina nya kollegor – vi hjälper er med allt från strategi till detaljerad produktion.

Allt vi lär oss längs vägen omvandlas till konkreta strategier som hela din organisation kan använda. På så sätt blir vi en långsiktig, skalbar partner.

Hjälper dig att skapa koncept, varumärken och designsystem som stöder dina strategiska mål.

Som skickliga strateger, designers, fotografer och hantverkare fungerar vi som en produktionshub med koll på dina riktlinjer, varumärkeselement och kampanjer.

Vi skapar och hanterar mallar samt erbjuder support via din valda varumärkesportal, oavsett om användarna är din interna byrå eller externa reklam- och produktionsbyråer. Med hjälp av AI effektiviserar vi produktion och översättning.

Efter många års samarbete med storföretag som Ericsson och Iittala har vi lärt oss hur man bygger upp och upprätthåller en effektiv organisation och produktion.

“vi kompletterar ert team vilket leder till bättre resultat”

Brand helpdesk

Vår helpdesk ger råd, svarar på frågor och föreslår förbättringar. Vi är tillgängliga för dig och dina byråer via telefon, e-post och DM mellan 9–18 CET, måndag till fredag. Vi hjälper dig gärna på engelska, tyska och svenska.

Vi granskar ditt material och föreslår förbättringar för både interna team och externa byråer. Med vår expertis inom design och kreativ kommunikation vägleder vi dina team att nå sina mål samtidigt som ditt varumärke behålls starkt.

Feedback på varumärkesstrategi och ledningsstöd
Ibland behövs ett objektivt öga. Vi delar vår erfarenhet i ett tidigt skede för att stödja dina beslut och strategier.


Per Osbeck

Our Design Director specialises in creating impactful, intelligent solutions for both the digital and analogue worlds.

“Working closely in tandem with my clients, I develop highly effective visual communication concepts, while also helping brands and team members excel in their own design process.”

Per Osbeck, blond 40+ creative.

Since 2009 Per has been part of the Brand Team at Ericsson responsible for all matters of design development, brand consistency and product development for the 150,000 employee-strong enterprise.

Per also supported Ericsson during their creation of The Hub, Ericsson’s in-house agency which streamlines the recruitment process of selecting suitable candidates and also educates new employees in Ericsson’s design processes and needs. The new organisation quickly grew from 0 to 40 employees in both Gurgaon and Bangalore, India, and now caters to Ericsson’s global organisation with marketing material production.

Brand/design achievements include:
Audi, Bentley Motors, Ericsson, Eways, Houdini Sportswear, Mexx, Nescafé, Nordea, Skoda, SonyEricsson, Stoneridge, Volkswagen, Yanzi

+46 702 33 22 38

  • 1998 - 2022
    Design Care of Co
    Creative Director

    A bespoke design studio independently operated by a craftsman with huge ambitions and dreams. Co. specialize in creating impactful, intelligent solutions for the digital and analogue world.

    Working closely in tandem with their clients, they develop highly effective visual communication concepts, while helping brands and team members excel in the design process. Co. has created and/or supported brands as Houdini Sportswear, Bentley Motors, Stoneridge, Mexx etc. 

    Since 2009, Co. has been part of the Brand Team at Ericsson on an almost daily basis. Per’s responsibilities covers all matters of design development, brand consistency and product development for the 150,000 employee-strong enterprise.

    From 2010 through 2014, Per simultaneously worked as the lead designer for a software interface project created to replace more than 200 different interfaces that previously populated Ericsson’s portfolio. The project resulted in a streamlined design language with common components, patterns and layouts. The team consisted of designers, GUI experts and stakeholders in Ireland, India, Germany and Sweden.

    During 2013, and through 2015, Per also supported Ericsson during the creation of The Hub, Ericsson’s in-house agency. Per participated in the recruitment process to select suitable candidates and educate new employees in Ericsson’s design processes and needs. The new organisation quickly grew from 0 to 40 employees in Gurgaon and Bangalore, India, and now caters to the global organisation in marketing material production. Per continues to oversee the creative production.

    From 2017 on, Per has supported the Brand Design Manager in the current rebranding process. In recognition of the effectiveness of this project, it recently won a prestigious Red Dot and D&AD Award in the "Corporate Identity & Design” category, and the ”Interface & User Experience Design” category award. →

    Global Interim Brand Design Director

    Interim Global Brand Design Manager, Global Brand Management, GF Marketing & Communication at Ericsson 2015.

    Art Director

    Creative lead, online, during the Bentley Motors rebrand.

    Sr Art Director

    Sr Art Director at Media Catalyst in Amsterdam, responsible for SonyEricsson, Nescafe etc.

    2004 - 2007
    The Wall
    Art Director, Partner

    Partner and Art Director at the Wall, a mid sized design agency for motion, interactive and print media. 

    The Wall worked with clients mainly within the European television industry (TV3, ZTV, Viasat, TV4, Canal+).

    2000 - 2001
    Commando Screen Media Agency
    Art Director

    Commando SMA developed and expaned client’s brands and products by utilizing combinations of different screen media (TV, Internet and mobile communications).

    1999 - 2000
    Context Development Group, CDG
    Usability architect/Designer

    Responsible for design, concepts, demand specification, functionality and information architecture of several of Swedens largest e-commerse projects.

Fredrik Magnusson

Senior brand design and innovation advisor

On his list of accomplishments, Fredrik boasts a number of different international design awards and jury positions. He has held positions as Global Brand Design Director at Ericsson and Global Design Director at Fiskars Group. His career started by building Propeller into a world-leading design agency and has been a consultant in the intersection of brand, design and innovation for more than two decades.

Brand/design achievements include:
Ericsson, Microsoft, GM, Volvo, Scania, IKEA, Bosch/siemens, Assa abloy, Houdini sportswear

Handsome guy
  • 20015 - 2022
    Roder Innovation
    Partner & head of innovation

    Roder is a design and innovation boosted ventures company operating in the low tech high concept quadrant. →

    2010 - 2015
    Global Director of Brand Design and Experiences

    2008 - 2015
    SVID, Swedish Industrial Design Foundation
    Member of the Board

    2007 - 2010
    Design Director

    2006 - 2021
    Houdini Sportswear
    Member of the board

    1995 - 2007
    Propeller Design AB
    Founder, owner, CEO and design/creative director

Henrik Trygg

Henrik is one of the few photographers who really sees the brand DNA and the visual quality already through his lens.

Working with both still, video and drone shots, he easily fills and can update visual content libraries for brands – more efficiently than anyone else we have ever worked with. Henrik has great experience in outdoor photography and has even been featured in some of the coolest National Geographic click-successes ever.

Brand/design achievements include:
Crescent/DBS, Garmin, Helly Hansen, SSRS, Visit Sweden & Visit Stockholm, National Geographics

Jonna Hansson

Our attentive, thoughtful and structured problem solver with enough leadership skills to keep us in the office and out of the mountains. Nearly.

“With passion and eye for internal needs, I build teams that provide the best customer experience. I understand the context that creates a good team structure - and I work with the details that make the big difference. I have the ability to develop myself, the people I work with and the organisations I work in - while still having fun of course.”

Brand achievements include:
Octapharma, Volvo Cars, Volvo Ocean Race, Ski Lodge Engelberg

  • 2020 - 2021
    Octapharma Nordic AB
    Communication Specialist, Internal marketing

    Responsible for the intranet and tv screens around the working site, incl. create and publish the content. Plan and create articles, interviews, work shops etc. to communicate the culture and strengthen the brand internal. Built and launched new website. →

    Volvo Cars AB
    Project Leader and Concierge

    The Volvo Get Away Lodge -
    Fully responsible for the Lodge and the guests (European life style magazine journalists) and for making sure they experienced the full “get away feeling” in the Åre valley surroundings together with the new Volvo V90 cars. Part of Volvo's PR campaign during the launch of the new Volvo V90.

    Propel Africa / Volvo Ocean Race
    Project Manager

    Responsible Project Manager for the Volvo International's groups in Cape Town during the Volvo Ocean Race 2008-2009. Customer: Hansen Conference and Event (i.e. the Volvo International's selected Event Travel Agency for all stops during Volvo Ocean Race 2008-2009). Full responsibility for 14 groups (transfers, accommodation, activities/conferences, restaurants, tour leaders, race day participation etc.). → → →

    Propel Africa
    South Africa Coordinator, corporate events.